Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Since we all know it will be another month before I post anymore pictures, here are several to keep you satisfied until then. . .

Gordon's happy time. This kid screams a lot, so he gets a lot of baths since that is his happiest time.
Sometimes the screaming is brought on by Big Sister, but she's just trying to love the little guy.

And then there are the occasional times when he actually sleeps. Oh, life is peaceful then.

This picture simply depicts our little Gordy with his eyes open. We think he's cute.

Grace is still doing her best to perfect her photo taking skills. This is one of the many photo shoots she's had with Baby Doll. She's getting pretty good.


Liz said...

Maybe you should have Grace take all the pics from now on. Gordy is sure a cute little guy!
PS I updated my blog your tutorial is on there, just scroll way down.

w. leavitt said...

Little Gordon seems pretty with it. I hope he's behaving himself.