Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

Little Gordito was a darling pumpkin.
Gracita was a Pink Princess.

And Grace talked me into wearing her bunny ears to the Halloween Party.

It snowed like crazy the day before Halloween. Here's Gordy taking a nap in his snow suit...

While Grace made snow angels in her snow suit. (Luckily it's all but melted now, it's too soon for winter)


Lindsay said...

Holy snow, Batman! Believe it or not, I actually saw a couple of flakes here last week. They melted before they hit the ground, but still - flakes!

btw - I haven't been running once since the marathon, so yeah - I'm a slacker. :)

Kris and Sam said...

Gordito looks a bit dazed by the sheer bliss of his pumpkin costume...lucky fellar! These pictures made my day--thanks!

Amy said...

WHAT CUTE KIDS! (and darling mom too) Thank you for sharing! said...

Love the bunny ears . .. and I can actually imagine you wearing those.

w. leavitt said...

it always snows or rains or both right before halloween. it's such a rip off.